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Retrieve Dynamics 365 CRM data in Portal by calling Odata using JavaScript

March 8, 2019


When user needs to display all the record using the “account” entity on the portal page then he can perform the retrieve operation by calling OData query using JavaScript.


First we will create the entity list. On the entity list there is tab “OData” where we need to fill the information like “Entity Type Name”, “Entity Set Name”, select the view and enable the Odata feed as shown in the below screenshot:

Retrieve Dynamics 365 CRM data in Portal by calling Odata using JavaScript

Based on above configuration system we will generate Odata Based URL as https://<portalurl>/_odata/entity_set_name, now we can retrieve the data on other webpages as well as show in the below screenshot

Retrieve Dynamics 365 CRM data in Portal by calling Odata using JavaScript

Retrieve the data using Javascript:

We have created a button “Get Accounts” on the html as shown below in the screenshot.

Retrieve Dynamics 365 CRM data in Portal by calling Odata using JavaScript

On clicking the button we call the function retrieveAccount() JavaScript code shown below:

function retreiveAccount () {

var oDataUrl = “/_odata/AccountSet”;

var response = getResponse(oDataUrl);

var accounts = new Array();

accounts.push([“Sr. No.”, “Name”]);

if (response != null) {

$.each(response, function (index, responseVal) {

accounts.push([(index + 1), (]);



//Create a HTML Table element to show the data.

var table = document.createElement(“TABLE”);

table.border = “1”;

//Get the count of columns.

var columnCount = accounts[0].length;

//Add the header row.

var row = table.insertRow(-1);

for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

var headerCell = document.createElement(“TH”);

headerCell.innerHTML = accounts[0][i];



//Add the data rows.

for (var i = 1; i < accounts.length; i++) {

row = table.insertRow(-1);

for (var j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) {

var cell = row.insertCell(-1);

cell.innerHTML = accounts[i][j];



var dvTable = document.getElementById(“dvTable”);

dvTable.innerHTML = “”;



function getResponse(oDataUrl) {

var response = null;


type: “GET”,

url: oDataUrl,

dataType: “json”,

async: false

}).done(function (json) {

response = json.value;


return response;


Now data can be shown on the website as shown below in the screenshot:

Retrieve Dynamics 365 CRM data in Portal by calling Odata using JavaScript


User can perform the retrieve operation by calling OData query using JavaScript

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