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Set Variable to question with dynamic value from dynamics 365/CDS or share point using power automate Part 2 of create Personalized survey

May 30, 2020

Step 6 : Set Variable to question with dynamic value from dynamics 365/CDS or share point using power automate

  • We would be setting our custom variable “CaseNumber” created in part 1st in Subtitle i.e Welcome to Dvmske customer expericence survey  – Created for {{Casenumber}}

  • It should look like below when creator preview the survey or when we send this survey as anonymous though link

Step 7 : Create Survey Invite / Send a survey using Power Automate (personalized survey)

There are Two options to distribute personalized survey and each has its own advantage

  1. Send a Survey using email Template
  2. Create a invite and then send survey using email

Send a survey using email template

There is a small limitation which forced me to go for create a invite and then send a email instead of Send a survey

  1. You can not use Variable in Subject of email

  2.  You can create new Email template or use from pre-set , also you can add variable onto the email template using variable drop down

  3. once template is done we will click on Configure a flow , where we will get a pre build template for send a survey when case is resolve, which can be modified.

  4.  Here you will find the action send a survey include all invite and email in one , i.e selecting email template which was created in point 2.

Create an invitation and send email

In this scenario we will not be using default or any email template neither we will use the action SEND A SURVEY

  1. We would be using create a invite action , where we will select our survey and map our case number variable field

  2. Once Invite is successfully created and mapped , we will create an email action to send en email and will fill up body of email instead of using template. This way the small gap we had over not able to map variable in subject will be filled.

    but it has it own disadvantage you have to do formatting your self and it difficult to reach the formatting as given in template.

Testing : When survey is send to recipient on case resolution , it Variable will have case number of recipient.
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