D365 Archives - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog http://microsoftdynamics.in/tag/d365/ Microsoft Dynamics CRM . Microsoft Power Platform Tue, 29 Sep 2020 17:28:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://i0.wp.com/microsoftdynamics.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-Microsoftdynamics365-blogs.png?fit=32%2C32 D365 Archives - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog http://microsoftdynamics.in/tag/d365/ 32 32 176351444 UCI : Disable Editable Grid for Entity list , Unable to double click lead record from entity list or getting error while opening record from Entity list http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/09/29/disable-editable-grid-for-entity-list-unable-to-double-click-lead-record-from-entity-list-or-getting-error-while-opening-record-from-entity-list-uci/ Tue, 29 Sep 2020 17:28:25 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4198 We have enabled the Editable grid for sub-grid and quite familiar how it works but using it on entity list is not so common as we have thousands of records and we don't want to mess with validation like a duplicate rule or business rule in Entity list.

But if by any chance you have enabled editable grid in Entity List it will be following up with lots of validation issues over UCI. Below are the steps to disable it. With Control option over Entity itself

The post UCI : Disable Editable Grid for Entity list , Unable to double click lead record from entity list or getting error while opening record from Entity list appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


We have enabled the Editable grid for sub-grid and quite familiar how it works but using it on entity list is not so common as we have thousands of records and we don't want to mess with validation like a duplicate rule or business rule in Entity list.

But if by any chance you have enabled editable grid in Entity List it will be following up with lots of validation issues over UCI. Below are the steps to disable it. With Control option over Entity itself


We can see in the above image there is legacy data that is duplicate and was ignored and saved, but when Migrating to UCI the Entity list is having Editable control which does not allow to open record because of this duplicate rule but nor giving any exact error.

  1. we can disable Editable gird control from the entity.

  2.  We can do modification to duplicate rule as desired so we can avoid error in entity list

  3. Or we can review Business Rule as well especially the one with Entity as the scope

Hoping this was helpful. thanks

The post UCI : Disable Editable Grid for Entity list , Unable to double click lead record from entity list or getting error while opening record from Entity list appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Enable Queue or lead entity in TO or Form Field of Email of Sales up and customer service Hub – lead entity is not visible under email TO and From Field http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/09/29/enable-queue-or-lead-entity-in-to-or-form-field-of-email-of-sales-up-and-customer-service-hub-lead-entity-is-not-visible-under-email-to-and-from-field/ Tue, 29 Sep 2020 14:41:16 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4188 As we can see in the above screenshot when we open an email from Sales Hub it doesn't search for Queue record in TO or FROM fields and the same way if we open an email from Customer Service Hub it won't search  Lead record.

As we know in Legacy Web client there was no setting available to include or exclude them except Javascript so it took us some time to accept there might be some configuration or setting we might be missing. and with some research, my college provided the information providing below community query and it was helpful. thanks to Clofly Mao


So we can follow the below steps to add or remove entities from Model-Driven apps to show or hide them from Email entity but remember these are not only limited to Emails, if you remove any entity it will be removed from whole model-driven app.

Go to
and open app designer or best practice is to create a solution add your model-driven app to it and then edit the same.

The post Enable Queue or lead entity in TO or Form Field of Email of Sales up and customer service Hub – lead entity is not visible under email TO and From Field appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


At First Glance, this looks like some kind of bug that in Customer service hub To field Contain different entity from Sales Hub as in the Legacy Web Client there was no option to configure TO or FROM field Entities without JS.

But in UCI you can add or remove the entity from TO or FROM "Party field" of Email but sacrificing howl entity from the HUB.


As we can see in the above screenshot when we open an email from Sales Hub it doesn’t search for Queue record in TO or FROM fields and the same way if we open an email from Customer Service Hub it won’t search  Lead record.

As we know in Legacy Web client there was no setting available to include or exclude them except Javascript so it took us some time to accept there might be some configuration or setting we might be missing. and with some research, my college provided the information providing below community query and it was helpful. thanks to Clofly Mao


So we can follow the below steps to add or remove entities from Model-Driven apps to show or hide them from Email entity but remember these are not only limited to Emails, if you remove any entity it will be removed from whole model-driven app.

  1. Go to
    and open app designer or best practice is to create a solution add your model-driven app to it and then edit the same.

  2. Click on Entities which will open up a list of entities checked means added to the app

  3.  Search for the entity missing

  4. Check the entity and then scroll from Entity View to add forms or view to be available on the hub

  5. Save and Publish

Same Way we can add lead fro the Customer Service hub and now Both entities will be visible in TO fields of the email.

The post Enable Queue or lead entity in TO or Form Field of Email of Sales up and customer service Hub – lead entity is not visible under email TO and From Field appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Trigger Power automate using WebHook (Plugin Registration tool) and throw exception / response in real time http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/09/14/trigger-power-automate-using-webhook-plugin-registration-tool-and-throw-exception-response-in-real-time/ Mon, 14 Sep 2020 12:53:28 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4148 As we know we can use WebHooks to creating external handlers for server events, like azure service bus or any other web service.

in this post

we will create power automate with action as ” when an HTTP request is received”
Get HTTP Post URL, Will break the URL as URL and parameters
Register a webhook using the plugin registration tool
Register a step on the update of the account name.
Adding the “Response” action in power automate to see exception in CRM using webhook

The post Trigger Power automate using WebHook (Plugin Registration tool) and throw exception / response in real time appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


In our last 3 posts, we checked 3 different methods of triggering Power automate, Below are the links

In today's post, we will check 4th method of triggering Power automate flow using WebHook in the plugin Registration tool

As we know we can use WebHooks to creating external handlers for server events, like azure service bus  or any other web service.

in this post

  1. we will create power automate with action as ” when an HTTP request is received”
  2. Get HTTP Post URL, Will break the URL as URL and parameters
  3. Register a webhook using the plugin registration tool
  4. Register a step on the update of the account name.
  5. Adding the “Response” action in power automate to see exception in CRM using webhook

Check1: Create Power automate with Action "When a HTTP request is recived"

  1. Create Instant flow and select action “When a HTTP request is Received”  with Method as post and Payload generic

  2. Once Saved we will get the URL , copy the URL and Break it down as below to specify HTTP query parameter in webhook.


Check2: Register WebHook to trigger power atomate flow and Register an Step for acccount update

  1. Login to plugin Registration tool and register new WebHook with Below config and Http Post URL.

  2. Now Register new Step on Update of Account entity, field = account name.

  3. All Done, If we want to add some condition and throw an exception for any condition, we can do so by adding “response ” in  Power automate

It would be a kind of realtime exception even we know the flow is meant to be working in async.

The post Trigger Power automate using WebHook (Plugin Registration tool) and throw exception / response in real time appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Get AppID of Dynamics 365 Crm App in power Automate – UCI http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/09/12/get-appid-of-dynamics-365-crm-app-in-power-automate-uci/ Sat, 12 Sep 2020 14:40:51 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4135 In Our last post we dynamically created Record URL in power automate but skipped Appid part ,

Click here for: http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/09/12/uci-get-entity-record-url-or-generate-dynamic-record-url-of-a-record-in-power-automate-using-cds-connector-and-variable/

Below are the steps

Create an entity "Organization Config" and create 2 fields,
Sales hub App ID and Service Hub App ID

Add Entity in Model-Driven App and side map where ever we want to keep it

Now We will open our Power automate flow we created in the last post, Add an action "List Records"

As we are using List Records which will give multiple results, we can use Odata filter or Fetch XMl to fetch the records

This action gives Collection as output, we will use the below expression to get value from 1st record.


Now we will use compose action output in our variable

The post Get AppID of Dynamics 365 Crm App in power Automate – UCI appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


Each Model Driven App has a Unique ID and OOB there is no action in power automate to get ID of a particular required APP, Below are the step we can use to fulfill the requirement to get AppID in Power automate

In Our last post we dynamically created Record URL in power automate but skipped Appid part ,

Click here for: http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/09/12/uci-get-entity-record-url-or-generate-dynamic-record-url-of-a-record-in-power-automate-using-cds-connector-and-variable/

Below are the steps

  • Create an entity “Organization Config” and create 2 fields,
    Sales hub App ID and Service Hub App ID

  • Add Entity in Model-Driven App and side map where ever we want to keep it

  • Now We will open our Power automate flow we created in the last post, Add an action “List Records”

  • As we are using List Records which will give multiple results, we can use Odata filter or Fetch XMl to fetch the records

  • This action gives Collection as output, we will use the below expression to get value from 1st record.


  • Now we will use compose action output in our variable

The post Get AppID of Dynamics 365 Crm App in power Automate – UCI appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

UCI : Get Entity Record URL or Generate Dynamic Record URL of a Record in Power automate using CDs connector and Variable http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/09/12/uci-get-entity-record-url-or-generate-dynamic-record-url-of-a-record-in-power-automate-using-cds-connector-and-variable/ Sat, 12 Sep 2020 12:14:06 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4120 In Point 1 we got the environment url and from point 2 we know how to get AppId as well, but here we are not using appid and if we don't use it that doesn't it will automatically open it available app as per permission.

We created an Trigger as update of case
Using compose output and get record we got the Odata URL as well
Now we will initialize Variable just to get the final output of the dynamic record URL, we can do this directly in email as well.

 Now we will use Hyperlink or ancher html tag to use Record url in Email

In Output we can see our URL which can be with or withour CMDBAR and NAVBAR

The post UCI : Get Entity Record URL or Generate Dynamic Record URL of a Record in Power automate using CDs connector and Variable appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


We would be using power automated flow to generate a dynamic record URL, we will also check how to get the Current Record URL in power to automate

The Scenario we had is when a case is resolved, send an email to the manager of the record that the Case is resolved including Record URL.

As per the above image, the URL contains 3 parts

  1. URL of Environment: when we talk about the dynamic Record URL it should also consider when we move from UATto production we should not change it in the Production manual it should automatically take the URL of Environment.DVMSKEUAT.CRM.Dynamics.com to DVMSKEPROD.CRM.Dynamics.com
  2. App ID: Each App has it unique Id if you want that Entity to open in a specific App we need to Define it in the URLappid = GUID 
  3. CMD Bar: CRM Bar is the bar where we navigate throw cmd buttons. We can remove/add-in from window by putting cmdbar= false/true

  4. NavBar: This is the Blue bar of CRM where we navigate app and entity history, We can Remove/add in form window by setting navbar=on/off

  5. PageType: it is used to define type of page , Example pagetype=dashboard , pagetype=entitylist , pagetype=entity  E.T.C

  6. ENT: ent stands for Entity where we define the name of entity example account, contact, incident in our case
  7. ID: this defines GUID unique id of the page type or entity we want to retrieve data for example if we  using pagetype= Dashboard it will need GUID of Dahsboard

Check 1: Get Environment in Power automate flow

  • As per the Scenario, we added trigger as an update of the case with a filter as status should be equal to 5 (problem resolved)

  • Now ideally we should get Environment URL in the Dynamic field OdataID as below but that will not come up when the trigger happens from CDS
  • So we will use Action to Get Case using Trigger ID, We know its repeated step but this is needed to get Environment URL, and we can limit attribute retrieving. We are using Compose action to verify our output

  • Here we get the full Odatat URL, not just the Environment URL, so we will be using an Expression uriHosts(outputs(‘URL’)
  • Compose action: uriHosts(outputs(‘URL’) , Where outputs is output of compose and (‘url’) action name refer screenshot
  • Other Action: uriHost(body(‘ActionName’)?[‘@odata.id’]) 

Check 2: Get Appid in power automate

AppId can no be retrieved directly in Power automate.

  1. we use a configuration ” organization config”  where we store multiple appid example sales hub , customer hub etc
  2. We will use get record action to retrieve the required appid.

Check 2: Generate dynamics record URl in power automate and use in Email

In Point 1 we got the environment url and from point 2 we know how to get AppId as well, but here we are not using appid and if we don’t use it that doesn’t it will automatically open it available app as per permission.

  1. We created an Trigger as update of case
  2. Using compose output and get record we got the Odata URL as well
  3. Now we will initialize Variable just to get the final output of the dynamic record URL, we can do this directly in email as well.

  4.  Now we will use Hyperlink or ancher html tag to use Record url in Email

In Output we can see our URL which can be with or withour CMDBAR and NAVBAR

The post UCI : Get Entity Record URL or Generate Dynamic Record URL of a Record in Power automate using CDs connector and Variable appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Error : getFormContext is not a function in UCI , Ribbon Button http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/08/22/error-getformcontext-is-not-a-function-in-uci-ribbon-button/ Sat, 22 Aug 2020 13:26:24 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4089 The post Error : getFormContext is not a function in UCI , Ribbon Button appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


When passing primaryControl in Ribbon WorkBench we use it as executionContext and then get FormContext out of it.

But when same thing is done on UCI we get the Error getFormContext is not a function

We got this error in UCI and not in Legacy WebClient,

  1. We were Passing CRM Parameter PrimaryControl to Button in Ribbon workbench

  2. In JS we were getting FormContext from primaryControl(Executioncontext) which was working fine in the Legacy app

    function readXML(primaryControl) {   
    var formContext  = null;
     if (primaryControl!== null) { 
                formContext = primaryControl.getFormContext(); 
  3. But when same is called in UCI we get ” ” Script Error, Because here we need to treat primary control as formContext

So final change needed in Code is as below

function readXML(primaryControl) {   
var formContext  = null;
 if (primaryControl!== null) {
         if (typeof primaryControl.getAttribute === 'function') {
             formContext = primaryControl; //called from the ribbon.
         } else if (typeof primaryControl.getFormContext === 'function' 
                 && typeof(primaryControl.getFormContext()).getAttribute === 'function') {
            formContext = primaryControl.getFormContext(); // most likely called from the form via a handler

The post Error : getFormContext is not a function in UCI , Ribbon Button appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Pass executionContext or formContext from Ribbon WorkBench button in UCI Unified client interface http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/08/22/pass-execution-context-or-form-context-from-ribbon-workbench-in-uci-unified-client-interface/ Sat, 22 Aug 2020 10:32:24 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4071 With Depreciation of xrm.page which was used to get attribute/property of an item of form. We all have switched to the latest FormContext which require executionContext need top be passed as a Parameter "Pass Execution Context as First Parameter" from event

Now how to pass ExecutionContext for the javascript action used for a Button on Ribbon Workbench

1 Open Ribbon WorkBench
2 Select Solution contains entity and components
3 Add button, Add command
4 Now add Javascript Action and select Javascript and Function
5 Now Click on Add Parameter

The post Pass executionContext or formContext from Ribbon WorkBench button in UCI Unified client interface appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


With Depreciation of xrm.page which was used to get attribute/property of an item of form. We all have switched to the latest FormContext which require executionContext need top be passed as a Parameter "Pass Execution Context as First Parameter" from event

Now how to pass ExecutionContext for the javascript action used for a Button on Ribbon Workbench

From Event Handler Property we can simply enable checkbox  “Pass execution context as first parameter ” and use that for Form Context as Below

And we can get FormContext from 1st parameter Execution Parameter.

function readXML(executionContext) {   
 if (executionContext !== null) {

             formContext =  executionContext.getFormContext();
alert("executionContext  is null ");

How to Pass ExecutionContext or FormContext for a JS action on the button in Ribbon Workbench

  1. Open Ribbon WorkBench
  2. Select Solution contains entity and components
  3. Add button, Add command
  4. Now add Javascript Action and select Javascript and Function
  5. Now Click on Add Parameter
  6. Add CRM Parameter

  7. and select Primary  Control

1 thing to remember, like for Form Button , always use PrimaryControl as Form Control

function readXML(executionContext) {   
 if (executionContext !== null) {

             formContext =  executionContext;  //PrimaryControl
alert("executionContext  is null ");

The post Pass executionContext or formContext from Ribbon WorkBench button in UCI Unified client interface appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Automatic create case or lead record from Email Received Using Automatic Record Creation and update Rule , Convert Email to Case or lead http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/08/16/automatic-create-case-or-lead-record-from-email-received-using-automatic-record-creation-and-update-rule-convert-email-to-case-or-lead/ Sun, 16 Aug 2020 14:58:14 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4028 The scenario is When an Email is received to a ServiceSupport Queue System should automatically create a Case (or lead) then Send an Auto response email saying
"Dear Customer, We have created a case for this and our customer service agent will contact you in 24 hours, thanks"

So we have

A ServiceSupport queue where we are receiving email.
Then on that Queue itself or from service management, we will create  " Automatic  Record  Creation and  Update  Rules "
in "Automatic Record Creation and Update Rule", we will "Specify Autoresponse  Settings" for auto-response email
then we will "Specify Record Creation and Update Details" to add create action and conditions

The post Automatic create case or lead record from Email Received Using Automatic Record Creation and update Rule , Convert Email to Case or lead appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


Using Automatic Record Creation and Update Rule We can create records like case , lead , Contact, etc from the email received in CRM.
We can also send automatic response to the email received example, Dear customer, A case is created e.t.c


The scenario is When an Email is received to a ServiceSupport Queue System should automatically create a Case (or lead) then Send an Auto response email saying
“Dear Customer, We have created a case for this and our customer service agent will contact you in 24 hours, thanks”

So we have

  • A ServiceSupport queue where we are receiving email.
  • Then on that Queue itself or from service management, we will create  ” Automatic  Record  Creation and  Update  Rules “
  • in “Automatic Record Creation and Update Rule”, we will “Specify Autoresponse  Settings” for auto-response email
  • then we will “Specify Record Creation and Update Details” to add create action and conditions

Check1: Create a new Queue "Service Support" (if not already in system)

We can create a new Queue if not already present

  1. Navigate Setting -> Business Management -> Queues

  2. Create a new Queue with email ID (remember we are not creating user as if support user is in created in the system it will have its own queue) also when queue is created it creates it mailbox

  3. Once done Approve email then Test and Enable Mailbox

Check2: Create a "Record Creation and Update Rule" for auto-creation of case

There are 2 ways to create “Record Creation and Update Rule”

  1. Create a form Setting -> Service Management -> Select Automatic Record Creation and Update Rules
  2. 2nd Way is to go to Quote and create ” Record Creation and Update Rule ” from subgrid

  3. Fill in values as below

Check3: Automatically reply to email = yes

  1. In Step three of ” New Record Creation and Update Rule” , There is a option to select Automatically reply to email = yes
  2. Select an Email Template in lookup.
    Example: “Dear Customer, We have created a case for this and our customer service agent will contact you in 24 hours, thanks”

Check4: Specify Record Creation and update Details , Condition to Evaluate and Actions to take

Once all Step above are saved, Go to Subgrid ” step two: Condition to Evaluate and Actions to take ” and for Legacy Web Client it will be “Specify Record Creation and Update Details”

    NOTE: Try doing this from the Legacy app as it might give error

  2. Fill in details like Name and add conditions: Conditions are almost the  same as we add in Workflow or advance find query

  3. Now we will add action, click Add Step, and select create a record. we will be presented with a list of entities , in our case, we will select case,

  4. Once Done Save and Close the record.

Last Step is to Activate the Automatic Record Creation and Update Rule


The post Automatic create case or lead record from Email Received Using Automatic Record Creation and update Rule , Convert Email to Case or lead appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Associate or Disassociate Records for 1:N or N:N Relationship using Power Automate Relate Action CDS http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/08/14/associate-or-disassociate-records-for-1n-or-nn-relationship-using-power-automate-relate-action-cds/ Thu, 13 Aug 2020 21:26:24 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4014 We can Associate or disassociate two entity record with N:N or 1: N relationship using Power Automate
Connector to use: common data service (current environment)
Action to use: Relate Records

The post Associate or Disassociate Records for 1:N or N:N Relationship using Power Automate Relate Action CDS appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


We can Associate or disassociate two entity record with N:N or 1: N relationship using Power Automate
Connector to use: common data service (current environment)
Action to use: Relate Records

We would be using Contact and campaign N:N Custom Relationship when Contact is created get source campaign from lead and map with contact.

  1. Create new Automated Flow

  2. Name the Flow and Choose Trigger, in our case its creation of record contact

  3. Get Lead Record Item Unique id as Lead Source, To get source Campaign ID

  4. Now We have Source Campaign ID from Lead and Contact Id, But to use relate Action we need OData URL for a related entity that is Campaign
    Where GUID will be mapped with Dynamics field value campaign ID

  5. Selecting Action Relate record this action, Select Primary Entity i.e contact, Map Contact unique id, Relationship Name, URL

Save and Turn On the flow. Now each time contact is created and source lead contains campaign both will be associated using relate action.

Unrelate Action can be used to Disassociate the record same way.

The post Associate or Disassociate Records for 1:N or N:N Relationship using Power Automate Relate Action CDS appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

ENABLE OR DISABLE TRACKED TO DYNAMICS 365 FROM OUTLOOK http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/08/14/enable-or-disable-tracked-to-dynamics-365-from-outlook/ Thu, 13 Aug 2020 19:45:46 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=3999 Server-side synchronization now allows tracking of emails, appointments, and tasks in Outlook and adds a new Category Tracked to Dynamics 365
For version or higher, category Tracked to Dynamics 365 is by default on, We can disable this for an organization using Admin settings

The post ENABLE OR DISABLE TRACKED TO DYNAMICS 365 FROM OUTLOOK appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


Server-side synchronization now allows tracking of emails, appointments, and tasks in Outlook and adds a new Category Tracked to Dynamics 365
For version or higher, category Tracked to Dynamics 365 is by default on, We can disable this for an organization using Admin settings


Disable or Remove Category Tracked to Dynamics 365 on all Exchange mailboxes of the Dynamics 365

There are 2 Option

  1. Remove Category Tracked to Dynamics 365 using setting from OrgDBOrgSetting/Releases and same can be used to Enable setting

  2. From admin.powerplateform.microsoft.com disable setting-> Access https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com as an administrator
    -> On the Environments tab, click  next to the name of the environment and then click Settings.
    -> Click Email Tracking.

    -> Locate the option People can use categories to track emails and appointments and switch the option to Off.

->Disabling this setting will remove the category Tracked to Dynamics 365 on all Exchange mailboxes of the Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement organization which have server-side synchronization enabled in about 15 minutes.

The post ENABLE OR DISABLE TRACKED TO DYNAMICS 365 FROM OUTLOOK appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.
