Unified Client Interface (UCI) Archives - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog http://microsoftdynamics.in/tag/unified-client-interface-uci/ Microsoft Dynamics CRM . Microsoft Power Platform Tue, 29 Sep 2020 17:28:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://i0.wp.com/microsoftdynamics.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-Microsoftdynamics365-blogs.png?fit=32%2C32 Unified Client Interface (UCI) Archives - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog http://microsoftdynamics.in/tag/unified-client-interface-uci/ 32 32 176351444 UCI : Disable Editable Grid for Entity list , Unable to double click lead record from entity list or getting error while opening record from Entity list http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/09/29/disable-editable-grid-for-entity-list-unable-to-double-click-lead-record-from-entity-list-or-getting-error-while-opening-record-from-entity-list-uci/ Tue, 29 Sep 2020 17:28:25 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4198 We have enabled the Editable grid for sub-grid and quite familiar how it works but using it on entity list is not so common as we have thousands of records and we don't want to mess with validation like a duplicate rule or business rule in Entity list.

But if by any chance you have enabled editable grid in Entity List it will be following up with lots of validation issues over UCI. Below are the steps to disable it. With Control option over Entity itself

The post UCI : Disable Editable Grid for Entity list , Unable to double click lead record from entity list or getting error while opening record from Entity list appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


We have enabled the Editable grid for sub-grid and quite familiar how it works but using it on entity list is not so common as we have thousands of records and we don't want to mess with validation like a duplicate rule or business rule in Entity list.

But if by any chance you have enabled editable grid in Entity List it will be following up with lots of validation issues over UCI. Below are the steps to disable it. With Control option over Entity itself


We can see in the above image there is legacy data that is duplicate and was ignored and saved, but when Migrating to UCI the Entity list is having Editable control which does not allow to open record because of this duplicate rule but nor giving any exact error.

  1. we can disable Editable gird control from the entity.

  2.  We can do modification to duplicate rule as desired so we can avoid error in entity list

  3. Or we can review Business Rule as well especially the one with Entity as the scope

Hoping this was helpful. thanks

The post UCI : Disable Editable Grid for Entity list , Unable to double click lead record from entity list or getting error while opening record from Entity list appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Enable Queue or lead entity in TO or Form Field of Email of Sales up and customer service Hub – lead entity is not visible under email TO and From Field http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/09/29/enable-queue-or-lead-entity-in-to-or-form-field-of-email-of-sales-up-and-customer-service-hub-lead-entity-is-not-visible-under-email-to-and-from-field/ Tue, 29 Sep 2020 14:41:16 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4188 As we can see in the above screenshot when we open an email from Sales Hub it doesn't search for Queue record in TO or FROM fields and the same way if we open an email from Customer Service Hub it won't search  Lead record.

As we know in Legacy Web client there was no setting available to include or exclude them except Javascript so it took us some time to accept there might be some configuration or setting we might be missing. and with some research, my college provided the information providing below community query and it was helpful. thanks to Clofly Mao


So we can follow the below steps to add or remove entities from Model-Driven apps to show or hide them from Email entity but remember these are not only limited to Emails, if you remove any entity it will be removed from whole model-driven app.

Go to
and open app designer or best practice is to create a solution add your model-driven app to it and then edit the same.

The post Enable Queue or lead entity in TO or Form Field of Email of Sales up and customer service Hub – lead entity is not visible under email TO and From Field appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


At First Glance, this looks like some kind of bug that in Customer service hub To field Contain different entity from Sales Hub as in the Legacy Web Client there was no option to configure TO or FROM field Entities without JS.

But in UCI you can add or remove the entity from TO or FROM "Party field" of Email but sacrificing howl entity from the HUB.


As we can see in the above screenshot when we open an email from Sales Hub it doesn’t search for Queue record in TO or FROM fields and the same way if we open an email from Customer Service Hub it won’t search  Lead record.

As we know in Legacy Web client there was no setting available to include or exclude them except Javascript so it took us some time to accept there might be some configuration or setting we might be missing. and with some research, my college provided the information providing below community query and it was helpful. thanks to Clofly Mao


So we can follow the below steps to add or remove entities from Model-Driven apps to show or hide them from Email entity but remember these are not only limited to Emails, if you remove any entity it will be removed from whole model-driven app.

  1. Go to
    and open app designer or best practice is to create a solution add your model-driven app to it and then edit the same.

  2. Click on Entities which will open up a list of entities checked means added to the app

  3.  Search for the entity missing

  4. Check the entity and then scroll from Entity View to add forms or view to be available on the hub

  5. Save and Publish

Same Way we can add lead fro the Customer Service hub and now Both entities will be visible in TO fields of the email.

The post Enable Queue or lead entity in TO or Form Field of Email of Sales up and customer service Hub – lead entity is not visible under email TO and From Field appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

UCI How Dynamic URL work in UCI with some additional application mode parameters http://microsoftdynamics.in/2020/09/29/uci-how-dynamic-url-work-in-uci-with-some-additional-application-mode-parameters/ Mon, 28 Sep 2020 23:49:18 +0000 http://microsoftdynamics.in/?p=4179 Explaining Unified client interface URL Parameter and how it dynamically change the value while navigating to different pages

Table of Contents:

00:00 - Introduction
00:29 - UCI Dynamics URL parameters
01:32 - Unified client Interface URL Explained
03:16 - Cmdbr or command bar
03:54 - NavBar or Navigation Bar
04:23 - Create a power automate the flow
06:39 - Get Environment URL in Power automate
08:19 - Create Dynamics Record URL in ms Flow
10:31 - Add dynamics URL in Email

The post UCI How Dynamic URL work in UCI with some additional application mode parameters appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


Explaining Unified client interface URL Parameter and how it dynamically change the value while navigating to different pages

Table of Contents:

00:00 – Introduction
00:29 – UCI Dynamics URL parameters
01:32 – Unified client Interface URL Explained
03:16 – Cmdbr or command bar
03:54 – NavBar or Navigation Bar
04:23 – Create a power automate the flow
06:39 – Get Environment URL in Power automate
08:19 – Create Dynamics Record URL in ms Flow
10:31 – Add dynamics URL in Email

One of the Interesting thing in UCI is the way URL changes while navigating between pages examples

If we navigate to Entity form PageType = Entity , ent=logicallname , ID = guid

If we Navigate to Entity List PageType =EntityList , ViewID =GUID

If we navigate to Dashboard PageType = Dashboard with ID

As per the above image, the URL contains 3 parts

  1. URL of Environment: when we talk about the dynamic Record URL it should also consider when we move from UATto production we should not change it in the Production manual it should automatically take the URL of Environment.DVMSKEUAT.CRM.Dynamics.com to DVMSKEPROD.CRM.Dynamics.com
  2. App ID: Each App has it unique Id if you want that Entity to open in a specific App we need to Define it in the URLappid = GUID
  3. CMD Bar: CRM Bar is the bar where we navigate throw cmd buttons. We can remove/add-in from window by putting cmdbar= false/true

  4. NavBar: This is the Blue bar of CRM where we navigate app and entity history, We can Remove/add in form window by setting navbar=on/off

  • PageType: it is used to define type of page , Example pagetype=dashboard , pagetype=entitylist , pagetype=entity  E.T.C

  • ENT: ent stands for Entity where we define the name of entity example account, contact, incident in our case
  • ID: this defines GUID unique id of the page type or entity we want to retrieve data for example if we  using pagetype= Dashboard it will need GUID of Dashboard

Thank you.

The post UCI How Dynamic URL work in UCI with some additional application mode parameters appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.
