We Recently might have come up with an error while Setting up lookup and mapped value is Null/empty GUID or we want clear lookup field from the record.
An error occurred while validating input parameters: Microsoft.OData.ODataException: The 'odata.bind' instance or property annotation has a null value. In OData, the 'odata.bind' instance or property annotation must have a non-null string value.
There are two different part of Error
- We want to Clear the lookup field from a record example : From account record we need to clear primary contact lookup
- We have setup an dynamic Value to a lookup field and that dynamics field sometime returns null GUID
Check1:Clear or Empty the lookup field from a record
We all know clearing lookup or any other field in Workflow is quite issue , but straight forward clear option is missing from Power automate , but a more logical thing is available
i.e Unrelate record action for CDS is available, It Provides an option to select a record from and then select the relationship which needs to be detached but remember we need to pass lookup value in Item.
Check2: Error when Mapped field value is empty
To overcome this we need to have a condition saying if mapped dynamic field is null Go to FALSE Section Otherwise go to TRUE Section.
I know it kind of overdoing for just a field but currently, there is no other way I found.